CanDACC's Custom System
Overview of CanDACC’s Custom System
Participate in Adjudications
Parties Can:
- Create an account and sign in as a Party;
- Give other individuals (i.e. assistants, contract managers, or project managers) access to the documents filed on CanDACC’s Custom System provided such access does not contravene confidentiality obligations; and
- Receive email notifications after activities are undertaken in CanDACC’s Custom System.
Parties Can:
- Create a Notice of Adjudication and Response to Notice of Adjudication (the “Forms”);
- View and download PDFs of the Forms; and
- Send the Forms to the Parties and CanDACC electronically.
Adjudicator Selection Process
Parties Can:
- Accept or reject the other Party’s proposed Adjudicator and propose another Adjudicator;
- Ask an Adjudicator to consent to adjudicate a dispute; and
- Ask CanDACC to appoint an Adjudicator.
Fees, Retainers and Payments
Parties Can:
- View the Adjudication Fee and other fees (and costs), and formalize the fee agreement with the Adjudicator;
- View the amount of the deposit posted (the “Retainer”) paid by each Party to cover the expected adjudication costs;
- Pay the amount required as a retainer(s);
- View the Final Cost of Adjudication;
- View a balance of accounts, detailing payments and refunds; and
- Download invoices.
Adjudication Process
Parties Can:
- Recommend to an Adjudicator a suggested Pre-Designed Adjudication Processes; and
- View the details of the adjudication process set by the Adjudicator.
Supporting Documents
Parties Can:
- Upload supporting documents for the Adjudicator and the other Party/Parties to view; and
- Download supporting documents that the Adjudicator and the other Party/Parties have placed on CanDACC’s Custom System.
Parties Can:
- Send secure messages to other Parties, the Adjudicator, and CanDACC.
Parties Can:
- Download the Determination;
- Download the certified Determination; and
- Propose an extension of the Determination due date.
Termination Requests
Parties Can:
- Request a termination of an adjudication; and
- Respond to a request to terminate an adjudication.
Creating an Account
To create an account on CanDACC’s Custom System, please visit the following link: CanDACC’s Custom System. There are no fees required to be paid to create an account or to use CanDACC’s Custom System. The following information is needed from each individual creating an account:
· Name
· Address
· Phone number
· Password
The individual creating an account must select one of the two following options: “Create an Account as a Party” or “Create an Account as a Representative”.
Creating an Account as a Party
If the individual who is creating the account is a Claimant or Respondent, then that individual must create an account as a Party.
Creating an Account as a Representative
If the individual who is creating the account is the Claimant’s or Respondent’s Representative, then that individual must create an account as a Representative.
Note: Throughout CanDACC’s website, references to steps that can be taken by a Claimant or a Respondent on CanDACC’s Custom System (e.g., commencing an adjudication or selecting an Adjudicator) may also be taken by Representatives of Claimants or Respondents.
Confirming the Creation of an Account on CanDACC’s Custom System
After a Party creates an account on CanDACC’s Custom System, CanDACC will send an email that will contain a link to verify the email address. The email will come from The person with the email account will need to click on the link to verify his or her email and login to CanDACC’s Custom System.
Returning Users
The same CanDACC Custom System account can be used for multiple and future adjudications.
To log in to CanDACC’s Custom System, a user must click on the blue “CanDACC Custom System Login” button located at the top right of CanDACC’s website or visit the following link: CanDACC Custom System. To log in, the user must use the email address and password entered when the user created an account.
Security Code
Every time a user logs in to CanDACC’s Custom System, that user will receive a security code via email or text message. The security code must be entered on the login page of CanDACC’s Custom System to complete the login. After a user of CanDACC’s Custom System enters a security code, that person will be re-directed to the home page of CanDACC’s Custom System.
Assistance Using CanDACC’s Custom System
For assistance using CanDACC’s Custom System please email or call 416-307-0008.